Entry Number 289
Log Name Nursing
Date Range 03.02.04 - 03.08.04 Previous Entry Next Entry
Does this woman look like she had major surgery this week?
Another Sunday, another journal entry done in the airport.

Beginning to become a habit.

My mom had her surgery on Monday. She was really very nervous, but my Dad and I sat with her in the pre-op area. They finally gave her something to relax her (though she initially fought it) and they wheeled her off for her two hour surgery feeling peachy.

She came out of surgery looking all plump and full of anesthetic gas and chemicals, which of course I expected. My sis was a little worried, but she did great, while my dad was a trooper also. It's tough for all of us to see such a vital energetic woman so low and flailing about.

I was lucky that I stayed with her most of the evening, and sometime around 6:30pm she shook most of the grogginess and became more focused and talkative.

They gave her an additional shot for the pain, and it must have worked, cuz she was like.."I feel soo gooooood" hehe...stoner mom.


We watched Pirates of the Carribean on my laptop, which really got her giggling and alert. Then we watched the evening news and I fed her popsicles, jello, and ginegr ale. I left at about 11pm with her lookin great, but the skies were dumping snow, so I had a hairy drive all the way home. The park/entry way outside the hospital sure was pretty.


On Tuesday I stayed at the house till 9:30am to make sure all the construction workers arrived and had tasks to do.


My parents are remodeling the house they are living in. They plan to re-sell it when it's done. At the same time, they are building another ginormous house in the same area. It seems to be a toss up if they will move in to that one, or just put it in on the market right away, and get started on a third house.

So while my mom has had all her insides re-arranged, her normally pristine house is in total disarray being remodeled too.


Actually, the house is still in pretty good shape. The kitchen is almost finished. Just new paint and some fixtures to be added.


The bathrooms are the most pressing issue. Both bathrooms upstairs are completely gutted. There is a toilet on the main floor that is working (but no sink) and the bathroom in the basement is in excellent shape. Actually, the whole basement is beautifully finished.


But that means going up and down several flights of steps…not fun after major surgery- or even at 3am in the morning to make that middle of the night pee break.

My Mom is the foreman on this project, and she has had a bit of communication problem with some of the workers (who barely speak English). The funniest, yet most exasperating issue, is the master bedroom tub drama. My mom keeps asking them to install the hallway tub, but all they keep doing is moving the master tub in and out of its location. They must have moved it in and out at least 6 times...and never once touched the hall tub. The workers must think she is crazy


Last I saw, the tub was back sitting in the master bedroom...where it's NOT supposed to be.

Anyway, on Tuesday I stayed and got them settled (though I had nothing to do with the tub drama!), then headed to the hospital to pick my mom up.

Yep! She didn't have to have a third more invasive procedure which meant she was already checked-out and ready to go home. But had to have an icky catheter thingy. She was not a happy camper about that, but very excited to be going home.

The hardest part about taking care of my mom was making her slow down and not suddenly decide to vacuum the house. I tried to keep the house as clean as she likes it, so she wouldn't be fretting about the state of the house.

She did well, we watched a couple movies over the next couple days. She had a list of movies she wanted to watch, and I bought a half dozen of them, cuz I figured they might be good to add to my collection.


We started off with Under the Tuscan Sun and we totally fell in love with this movie- in fact, we watched it twice that day. I love love LOVE this movie. Its gotta be one of my most favorite of this genre. WOW!


That was the good..now the bad. American Wedding..aka American Stiffler.. Not one redeeming moment in it. I can't believe I own this piece of doodie! This movie is so bad on so many levels that I could write a book about how bad it was.


Then we watched a movie that we just didn't like, even though everyone else seemed to like it. Lost In Translation..well..was lost in translation for us. We liked the acting-- the leads were great, and we “got” the whole two people finding each other in a different culture..but in the end..we just didn't like it. Perhaps we had developed too high of an expectation.

I worked on some photoshoots, and got some of the next couple Bio4ms ready to go.I also got to the gym a couple times, leaving mom to direct her work crews from the comfort of her fluffy chair and some loose fitting pajamas.

By Friday my mom was tired of having to haul around tubes and bags, and was more than ready to go in for her appointment to have it all removed, and get into some real clothes.


But we got about 8-10 inches of snow the night before, so I went out at about 7am to make sure we could get out of the driveway.


I tried to use the snow blower, but it kept dying on me, so I resorted to shoveling their long driveway. Ugh! Well, at least I got a workout in for the day.

We drove up to Denver for my mom's last appointment, and she got a clean bill of health. She is still moving and sitting slow, but otherwise she looks fantastic. We did dinner with some of my parent's friends both Friday and Saturday night, so she was definitely feeling spunky enough to go out for dinner.

I flew back on Sunday. It's good to be back. LOVE staying with my parents, but I have no cellular connection out there, and a 28k connection. Great to be back to 80degree temps and all my technology.

And I actually got a 20 mile bike ride in Sunday afternoon!

Only 6 weeks till the bike ride!!!

Uh…I didn't get any donations for the ride this week!

I NEED you guys..come one..make a donation..Purty Please? I still have $4,000 bucks to come up with


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Hill Country Ride Site

Where are you guys and gals? I need you!

The team needs you!


Make a wee little donation!


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Above: March 2004 Bio4ms and Bio4msX featuring Matt

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